Giao Ngo

Client Relations Manager  
California, USA

For nearly 25 years in the industry, Giao has gained valuable experience and insights in international labor standards, responsible sourcing, social compliance auditing, and large-scale operations management.

Giao has conducted over 1,000 labor assessments in over 35 countries, across a range of industries, including agriculture, food processing, forestry, and manufacturing. In addition, Giao was one of the original developers of the UL-Responsible Sourcing Country Risk Index, helping retailers and manufacturers identify relevant risks in the countries they source in. Moreover, Giao has worked with Fortune 500 organizations developing their Supply Chain Security programs. He successfully helped companies gain certification and validation into the US Customs and Border Patrol’s CTPAT program.

Having worked in Asia since 1998 and lived in China for 7 years, Giao has extensive on-the-ground- experience with labor issues prevalent in the global supply chain. He is fluent in, both, English and Vietnamese.